MCP server that exercises all the features of the MCP protocol
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Everything MCP Server

This MCP server attempts to exercise all the features of the MCP protocol. It is not intended to be a useful server, but rather a test server for builders of MCP clients. It implements prompts, tools, resources, sampling, and more to showcase MCP capabilities.



  1. echo

    • Simple tool to echo back input messages
    • Input:
      • message (string): Message to echo back
    • Returns: Text content with echoed message
  2. add

    • Adds two numbers together
    • Inputs:
      • a (number): First number
      • b (number): Second number
    • Returns: Text result of the addition
  3. longRunningOperation

    • Demonstrates progress notifications for long operations
    • Inputs:
      • duration (number, default: 10): Duration in seconds
      • steps (number, default: 5): Number of progress steps
    • Returns: Completion message with duration and steps
    • Sends progress notifications during execution
  4. sampleLLM

    • Demonstrates LLM sampling capability using MCP sampling feature
    • Inputs:
      • prompt (string): The prompt to send to the LLM
      • maxTokens (number, default: 100): Maximum tokens to generate
    • Returns: Generated LLM response
  5. getTinyImage

    • Returns a small test image
    • No inputs required
    • Returns: Base64 encoded PNG image data


The server provides 100 test resources in two formats:

  • Even numbered resources:

    • Plaintext format
    • URI pattern: test://static/resource/{even_number}
    • Content: Simple text description
  • Odd numbered resources:

    • Binary blob format
    • URI pattern: test://static/resource/{odd_number}
    • Content: Base64 encoded binary data

Resource features:

  • Supports pagination (10 items per page)
  • Allows subscribing to resource updates
  • Demonstrates resource templates
  • Auto-updates subscribed resources every 5 seconds


  1. simple_prompt

    • Basic prompt without arguments
    • Returns: Single message exchange
  2. complex_prompt

    • Advanced prompt demonstrating argument handling
    • Required arguments:
      • temperature (number): Temperature setting
    • Optional arguments:
      • style (string): Output style preference
    • Returns: Multi-turn conversation with images

Usage with Claude Desktop

Add to your claude_desktop_config.json:

  "mcpServers": {
    "everything": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": [


Protocol features


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