A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides comprehensive access to Roam Research's API functionality. This server enables AI assistants like Claude to interact with your Roam Research graph through a standardized interface.
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Roam Research MCP Server

npm version License: MIT GitHub

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides comprehensive access to Roam Research's API functionality. This server enables AI assistants like Claude to interact with your Roam Research graph through a standardized interface.


You can install the package globally:

npm install -g roam-research-mcp

Or clone the repository and build from source:

git clone https://github.com/2b3pro/roam-research-mcp.git
cd roam-research-mcp
npm install
npm run build


The server provides five powerful tools for interacting with Roam Research:

  1. roam_fetch_page_by_title: Fetch and read a page's content by title, recursively resolving block references up to 4 levels deep
  2. roam_create_page: Create new pages with optional content
  3. roam_create_block: Create new blocks in a page (defaults to today's daily page)
  4. roam_import_markdown: Import nested markdown content under specific blocks
  5. roam_add_todo: Add multiple todo items to today's daily page with checkbox syntax


  1. Create a Roam Research API token:

    • Go to your graph settings
    • Navigate to the "API tokens" section
    • Create a new token
  2. Configure the environment variables: You have two options for configuring the required environment variables:

    Option 1: Using a .env file (Recommended for development) Create a .env file in the roam-research directory:


    Option 2: Using MCP settings (Alternative method) Add the configuration to your MCP settings file:

    • For Cline (~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/saoudrizwan.claude-dev/settings/cline_mcp_settings.json):
      "mcpServers": {
        "roam-research": {
          "command": "node",
          "args": ["/path/to/roam-research/build/index.js"],
          "env": {
            "ROAM_API_TOKEN": "your-api-token",
            "ROAM_GRAPH_NAME": "your-graph-name"
    • For Claude desktop app (~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json):
      "mcpServers": {
        "roam-research": {
          "command": "node",
          "args": ["/path/to/roam-research/build/index.js"],
          "env": {
            "ROAM_API_TOKEN": "your-api-token",
            "ROAM_GRAPH_NAME": "your-graph-name"

    Note: The server will first try to load from .env file, then fall back to environment variables from MCP settings.

  3. Build the server:

    cd roam-research
    npm install
    npm run build


Fetch Page By Title

Fetch and read a page's content with resolved block references:

use_mcp_tool roam-research roam_fetch_page_by_title {
  "title": "Example Page"

Returns the page content as markdown with:

  • Complete hierarchical structure
  • Block references recursively resolved (up to 4 levels deep)
  • Proper indentation for nesting levels
  • Full markdown formatting

Create Page

Create a new page with optional content:

use_mcp_tool roam-research roam_create_page {
  "title": "New Page",
  "content": "Initial content for the page"

Returns the created page's UID on success.

Create Block

Add a new block to a page (defaults to today's daily page if neither page_uid nor title provided):

use_mcp_tool roam-research roam_create_block {
  "content": "Block content",
  "page_uid": "optional-target-page-uid",
  "title": "optional-target-page-title"

You can specify either:

  • page_uid: Direct reference to target page
  • title: Name of target page (will be created if it doesn't exist)
  • Neither: Block will be added to today's daily page


  "success": true,
  "block_uid": "created-block-uid",
  "parent_uid": "parent-page-uid"

Add Todo Items

Add one or more todo items to today's daily page:

use_mcp_tool roam-research roam_add_todo {
  "todos": [
    "First todo item",
    "Second todo item",
    "Third todo item"


  • Adds todos with Roam checkbox syntax ({{TODO}} todo text)
  • Supports adding multiple todos in a single operation
  • Uses batch actions for efficiency when adding >10 todos
  • Automatically creates today's page if it doesn't exist
  • Adds todos as top-level blocks in sequential order

Import Nested Markdown

Import nested markdown content under a specific block:

use_mcp_tool roam-research roam_import_markdown {
  "content": "- Item 1\n  - Subitem A\n  - Subitem B\n- Item 2",
  "page_uid": "optional-page-uid",
  "page_title": "optional-page-title",
  "parent_uid": "optional-parent-block-uid",
  "parent_string": "optional-exact-block-content",
  "order": "first"


  • Import content under specific blocks:
    • Find parent block by UID or exact string match
    • Locate blocks within specific pages by title or UID
    • Defaults to today's page if no page specified
  • Control content placement:
    • Add as first or last child of parent block
    • Preserve hierarchical structure
    • Efficient batch operations for nested content
  • Comprehensive return value:
      "success": true,
      "page_uid": "target-page-uid",
      "parent_uid": "parent-block-uid",
      "created_uids": ["uid1", "uid2", ...]


  • content: Nested markdown content to import
  • page_uid: UID of the page containing the parent block
  • page_title: Title of the page containing the parent block (ignored if page_uid provided)
  • parent_uid: UID of the parent block to add content under
  • parent_string: Exact string content of the parent block (must provide either page_uid or page_title)
  • order: Where to add the content ("first" or "last", defaults to "first")

Error Handling

The server provides comprehensive error handling for common scenarios:

  • Configuration errors:
    • Missing API token or graph name
    • Invalid environment variables
  • API errors:
    • Authentication failures
    • Invalid requests
    • Failed operations
  • Tool-specific errors:
    • Page not found (with case-insensitive search)
    • Block not found by string match
    • Invalid markdown format
    • Missing required parameters

Each error response includes:

  • Standard MCP error code
  • Detailed error message
  • Suggestions for resolution when applicable


The server is built with TypeScript and includes:

  • Environment variable handling with .env support
  • Comprehensive input validation
  • Case-insensitive page title matching
  • Recursive block reference resolution
  • Markdown parsing and conversion
  • Daily page integration
  • Detailed debug logging
  • Efficient batch operations

To modify or extend the server:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies with npm install
  3. Make changes to the source files
  4. Build with npm run build
  5. Test locally by configuring environment variables


MIT License




Knowledge & Memory