MCP server for fetch web page content using Playwright headless browser
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<div align="center"> <img src="" width="100" height="100" alt="Fetcher MCP Icon" /> </div>

Fetcher MCP

MCP server for fetch web page content using Playwright headless browser.


  • JavaScript Support: Unlike traditional web scrapers, Fetcher MCP uses Playwright to execute JavaScript, making it capable of handling dynamic web content and modern web applications.

  • Intelligent Content Extraction: Built-in Readability algorithm automatically extracts the main content from web pages, removing ads, navigation, and other non-essential elements.

  • Flexible Output Format: Supports both HTML and Markdown output formats, making it easy to integrate with various downstream applications.

  • Parallel Processing: The fetch_urls tool enables concurrent fetching of multiple URLs, significantly improving efficiency for batch operations.

  • Resource Optimization: Automatically blocks unnecessary resources (images, stylesheets, fonts, media) to reduce bandwidth usage and improve performance.

  • Robust Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling and logging ensure reliable operation even when dealing with problematic web pages.

  • Configurable Parameters: Fine-grained control over timeouts, content extraction, and output formatting to suit different use cases.

Quick Start

Run directly with npx:

npx -y fetcher-mcp

Debug Mode

Run with the --debug option to show the browser window for debugging:

npx -y fetcher-mcp --debug

Configuration MCP

Configure this MCP server in Claude Desktop:

On MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

  "mcpServers": {
    "fetcher": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": ["-y", "fetcher-mcp"]


  • fetch_url - Retrieve web page content from a specified URL

    • Uses Playwright headless browser to parse JavaScript
    • Supports intelligent extraction of main content and conversion to Markdown
    • Supports the following parameters:
      • url: The URL of the web page to fetch (required parameter)
      • timeout: Page loading timeout in milliseconds, default is 30000 (30 seconds)
      • waitUntil: Specifies when navigation is considered complete, options: 'load', 'domcontentloaded', 'networkidle', 'commit', default is 'load'
      • extractContent: Whether to intelligently extract the main content, default is true
      • maxLength: Maximum length of returned content (in characters), default is no limit
      • returnHtml: Whether to return HTML content instead of Markdown, default is false
      • waitForNavigation: Whether to wait for additional navigation after initial page load (useful for sites with anti-bot verification), default is false
      • navigationTimeout: Maximum time to wait for additional navigation in milliseconds, default is 10000 (10 seconds)
      • disableMedia: Whether to disable media resources (images, stylesheets, fonts, media), default is true
      • debug: Whether to enable debug mode (showing browser window), overrides the --debug command line flag if specified
  • fetch_urls - Batch retrieve web page content from multiple URLs in parallel

    • Uses multi-tab parallel fetching for improved performance
    • Returns combined results with clear separation between webpages
    • Supports the following parameters:
      • urls: Array of URLs to fetch (required parameter)
      • Other parameters are the same as fetch_url


Handling Special Website Scenarios

Dealing with Anti-Crawler Mechanisms

  • Wait for Complete Loading: For websites using CAPTCHA, redirects, or other verification mechanisms, include in your prompt:

    Please wait for the page to fully load

    This will use the waitForNavigation: true parameter.

  • Increase Timeout Duration: For websites that load slowly:

    Please set the page loading timeout to 60 seconds

    This adjusts both timeout and navigationTimeout parameters accordingly.

Content Retrieval Adjustments

  • Preserve Original HTML Structure: When content extraction might fail:

    Please preserve the original HTML content

    Sets extractContent: false and returnHtml: true.

  • Fetch Complete Page Content: When extracted content is too limited:

    Please fetch the complete webpage content instead of just the main content

    Sets extractContent: false.

  • Return Content as HTML: When HTML format is needed instead of default Markdown:

    Please return the content in HTML format

    Sets returnHtml: true.

Debugging and Authentication

Enabling Debug Mode

  • Dynamic Debug Activation: To display the browser window during a specific fetch operation:
    Please enable debug mode for this fetch operation
    This sets debug: true even if the server was started without the --debug flag.

Using Custom Cookies for Authentication

  • Manual Login: To login using your own credentials:

    Please run in debug mode so I can manually log in to the website

    Sets debug: true or uses the --debug flag, keeping the browser window open for manual login.

  • Interacting with Debug Browser: When debug mode is enabled:

    1. The browser window remains open
    2. You can manually log into the website using your credentials
    3. After login is complete, content will be fetched with your authenticated session
  • Enable Debug for Specific Requests: Even if the server is already running, you can enable debug mode for a specific request:

    Please enable debug mode for this authentication step

    Sets debug: true for this specific request only, opening the browser window for manual login.


Install Dependencies

npm install

Install Playwright Browser

Install the browsers needed for Playwright:

npm run install-browser

Build the Server

npm run build


Use MCP Inspector for debugging:

npm run inspector

You can also enable visible browser mode for debugging:

node build/index.js --debug


Licensed under the MIT License




Browser Automation